At ThoughtLabs we have the ability to look past traditional approaches to innovation. We connect the dots that nobody else sees.

ThoughtLabs and the need for innovation.

Our Purpose

We enable people and businesses to work where they want, when they want and how they want.

Generate New Ideas

Looking at the problems people have, and the tasks that need to be done. Then, investigating what could be done, and determine if this is worth investigating.

Establish Hypotheses

With the idea in mind, determine though scientific methods such as Design Thinking determine a hypothesis. Test the hypothesis with the problem to determine if this is correct. Rinse and repeat for all ideas.

Establish New Businesses

Investigate the most effective way of getting the idea moving. Create a "Special Purpose Vehicle" concept to further develop the idea using a commercial model such as a business.

Research and Development

Provide the capability to do research and development in the creation of ideas and hypothesis testing. Using academic research and modern language models to determine the right problems to address.


Develop working prototypes to test the ideas, and determine the viability of approaches. Test, fail and learn measures to advise the best way of moving an idea forward.

Business Case Management

Determine the most effective next steps to further promote or invest in ideas. Look at funding models and seek investment in ideas that have commercial merit.

News, updates and insights

With a track record of successful ideas and innovations, we are looking to rethink the problems of people and the society we live in.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Are you looking for new people?

We are currently not hiring new staff, we will be looking for researchers and developers in the coming six months. We will update our website with these details as and when we need them.

Q. Are you looking for new ideas?

We are always interested in new ideas, if you have some, reach out to [email protected] and we will contact you.

ThoughtLabs Limited, PO Box 38442, Wellington Mail Centre, Lower Hutt 5045

Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.

We are available from 08:30 — 17:00 week days only.