Legal Access - The right to legal help


Access to legal services is a right few can genuinely afford. There are instances where common legal services are unobtainable both by the public or small business. This industry needs to serve a wider segment of the community, and support legal access for all. Legal technology tends to be deployed to enable legal firms to optimise their offerings, and maximise their profits. We think there are some services that could be optimised, and these are targets for disruption.


Thoughtlabs is well positioned to look at the problem faced by end users of legal services, and not the legal companies themselves.

This approach to design thinking will help look at problems that the industry faces, and some possible solutions in application of technology, automation or process governance to enable:

  • Access to legal services for all
  • Lower cost entry for legal services
  • Strike a balance between legal information from lawyers and knowledge bases
  • Automation for basic legal services
  • Accessible systems for all to use